Remembering players
of the past 30 years
Steven Poon
"The most memorable time when I played handball was when I played competitively for my high school team and became a part of the championship team twice..." |
Ivett Avila
"I started playing handball mainly because of my friends. I’m with them most of the time and they always played handball, so I thought why not give it a try..." |
Cathy Chen
"My most memorable handball stories have got to be when I joined tournaments with my friends. We practiced every day with one another so that at least one of us could get to a high skill level..." |
Henry Santana
"The most memorable stories I can think of in my time playing handball was finally being able to compete against the big dogs of the court..." |
Christian Catano
"The most notable memories I have of handball are playing handball with my friends, laughing, and having a good time..." |
Bernardo Brandt
"I’ve had so many memorable handball experiences and looking back at them, I really feel my growth as a handball player..." |
Ray Lu
"Playing handball was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. It shaped me into the competitive, hard working and humble person I am today..." Read more |
Ashley Zhen
"As a rookie starting off in handball, I was really intimidated by all of the athletes that were experienced and those that preceded me..." Read more |
Gary Luk
"I play handball because it allows me to spend quality time with friends and it allows me to meet new people in and out of the handball community..." Read more |
Shkysi Cummings
"I started playing handball at the age of 9 and I’ve been playing ever since then. I can say that I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon..." Read more |
Shnae Cummings
"Looking back, there was a time when I wanted to stop playing handball. Every time I lost a game,I was so disappointed in myself and felt that I let my friends and family down..." Read more |
Isaiah Hong
"Inner City Handball Association has provided me with many opportunities to compete in various tournaments to help further build my skills in playing handball and most importantly my character..." Read more |
Steven Woo
"What is the true meaning of playing the sport, Handball? Is it just for fun, the competition, the intensity, or the gameplay. To me, handball has become the sport I felt most passionate about and not only that, it has become a big part of my life..." Read more |
Michelle He
"There’s no one true answer as to why people love to play handball. It’s a passion that goes beyond explanation. While this may not be the sole answer, I can say I play handball because it helps me get through the issues in my life..." Read more |